IntervalZero.RTX64 Namespace

Public classRTX64ConfigReadException
An attempt to read RTX64 configuration information has failed.
Public classRTX64Exception
RTX64Exception class.
Public classRTX64InvalidArgumentException
Argument exception.
Public classRTX64InvalidEditionExceptionThrown when property Edition is read on an instance of class LicenseInfo when the license is not for an IntervalZero product.
Public classRTX64InvalidPropertyValueException
An invalid value has been assigned to a writable property.
Public classRTX64InvalidTcpIpStackLicense
The RT-TCP/IP Stack license is invalid.
Public classRTX64NotConfiguredExceptionThrown when properties RtssProcessorsRequested or WindowsProcessors are read on an instance of class IntervalZero.RTX64.Config.Subsystem and the RTX64 Subsystem has not been configured yet.
Public classRTX64Object
Base RTX64Object.

NOTE: All classes in assembly IntervalZero.RTX64.dll derive, directly or indirectly, from this class.

Public classRTX64Registry
Class to read and write registry values.