
RtnSetDataLong sets the value at offset index of the network device pointed to by ndp.  RtnSetDataLong and RtnGetDataLong allow the driver writer to save driver specific data in the network device data structure. Up to 4 data elements of 32 bits (4 bytes) each may be saved in the ndp structure. These DWORDs may be accessed by using the offset index 0 through 3 in RtnSetDataLong and RtnGetDataLong.

Normally, RtnSetDataLong is used to store the index (or pointer to) the local configuration data structure into the ndp structure for use in the rest of the driver. This is usually done at the top of the RtndConfigure routine. Data offset 0 is normally used to store this index or pointer.


void RtnSetDataLong(
    void *ndp,
    long offset,
    unsigned long data



Network Device Pointer. Opaque network device identifier (pointer).


Offset of data to set.  This is an index of 0 through 3.


Data to set in the ndp structure

Return Value



Minimum Supported Version RTX64 2013
Header rtnapi.h
Library RtTcpip.lib