Tips, Tricks and Configuration Hints

This topic contains helpful tips, tricks, and configuration recommendations for RT-TCP/IP.

Packet Schedule Mini Port Drivers

A network adapter in Windows may have multiple instances in the Windows Device Manager: one for the NIC driver, and one for the Packet Schedule mini-port driver associated with it. When you convert the adapter from Windows to RTX64 control, you only need to convert the NIC driver. You do not need to convert the associated mini-port driver.

NOTE: A warning indicator may appear for the mini port driver associated with the NIC you converted. This is intended behavior that requires no further action.

Port IO Conflicts

Conflicts may occur when an RTX64 device and a Windows device utilize the same IO space address range. If the IO space is not a required resource for the RTX64 device, you can filter out the IO port resource for the RTX64 device. This procedure can be done after Converting a windows Device to an RTX64 Device.

Delays in Stack Response

When the stack is started, initialization procedures occur before the stack is online. You will experience a delayed response from the stack if you begin calling the stack before the initialization has completed. RTX64 provides API functions that can be used to get online status:

Run in Verbose Mode

You can run the RT-TCP/IP stack in verbose mode to enable verbose logging, which can be helpful in determining issues with the stack. You can turn on verbose mode using the RTX64 Control Panel:

Using the RTX64 Control Panel:

  1. Open the RTX64 Control Panel.
  2. Click Configure the RT-TCP/IP Stack > Configure RT-TCP/IP Stack Behavior.
  3. Check the Run in Verbose mode check box to enable verbose logging. Uncheck this box to disable verbose mode logging.

NOTE: Running the stack in Verbose mode may cause the RT-TCP/IP stack to slow during system shutdown.

  1. Restart the RT-TCP/IP Stack for your changes to take effect. If you plan to make additional changes that require a restart of the Stack, make all of the changes first and then restart the Stack when you are finished.

NOTE: Enabling verbose mode will effect performance of the stack.

Potential Causes of Driver Lockup

If the Interrupt Thread Priority for a driver is configured to a value that is less than the priority of the application thread that sends data, it can result in a lockup of the device interface. This could also potentially occur if the Receive Thread Priority value is less than the Interrupt Thread Priority value.

Error Messages

tfSheapMalloc: size requested is too high. Increase the memory page size. Error 0x0

This error may appear when you attempt to increase the number of Max Sockets without first allocating enough memory for the Stack. To resolve this issue, increase the Stack size through the Control Panel. The default value is 2048 kilobytes. If you encounter this error, try increasing the allocated memory value to 10,000 kilobytes. For more information, see Allocating Memory for the Stack.


See Also