Actor Instance Graphs

The Actor Instance Graphs (Views > Actor Instance Graphs) display timing properties of actor instances. Each data point in the graph represents a specific actor instance, where the x-axis shows the instance start time and the y-axis the property value.

This view can be used to identify long-running threads using the execution and response time graphs, or potential scheduling problems using the fragmentation and interference graphs.

You can plot these properties:

  • Clicking a plotted instance will show and highlight it in the trace view. You can filter actors using the Filter menu or by clicking on an actor in the legend to the right.
  • View Options

    The View menu contains several options that allow you to change the graph’s display and content.

    Menu Option Description
    Clone View

    Creates a duplicate copy of the view in the same window.

    Draw Markers

    Toggles display of markers.

    Line Style

    Choose a line style for the graph to display:

    • No Lines
    • Steps
    • Straight
    Show Unit on Scale

    Toggles display of the units of measurement.

    Setup Scale

    Opens the Setup Scale dialog, through which you can choose an automatic (default) or manual scale.

    Show Bookmarks

    Toggles display of bookmarks

    Show Legend

    Toggles display of the color legend.

    Show ScrollBar

    Toggles display of the scrollbar.


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