Event Intensity

The Event Intensity view (Views > Event Intensity) displays the number of events per event type, during the selected interval.

By default, the interval is divided into 50 time slices. The number of slices can be changed via the Resolution or Time Resolution menus.

View Options

The View menu contains several options that allow you to change the graph’s display and content.

Menu Option Description
Clone View

Creates a duplicate copy of the view in the same window.

Show Bookmarks

Toggles display of bookmarks

Show Legend

Toggles display of the color legend.

Show ScrollBar

Toggles display of the scrollbar.

Draw Mode

Choose a draw mode:

  • Histogram
  • Histogram (Side by Side)
  • Polygon
  • Polygon (per Channel)
Draw Intervals Toggles display of intervals in the graph.

Resolution Options

Menu Option Description

Very High (200)

High (100)

Medium (50, default)

Low (25)

Very Low (10)

Single (1)

Determines the number of intervals to display. For a more detailed graph, increase the number of intervals by selecting a higher resolution.