Event Log

The Event Log (Views > Event Log) displays the trace as a textual event listing, with powerful filtering tools. The view also supports exporting the trace as text file.

TIP:  Click on an entry to highlight the corresponding event in the Vertical Trace View.


Use the Events > Export menu option to export the view as a text file. This can be used to compare traces (using a plain diff/merge tool) for debugging (compare the event order in two traces with different behavior) and for regression testing. All formatting and filtering used in the Event Log view is applied also in the Export function. This allows you to exclude irrelevant events and timestamps.

View Options

The View menu contains several options that allow you to change the graph’s display and content.

Menu Option Description
Clone View

Creates a duplicate copy of the view in the same window.


Choose a background display type:

  • Default
  • Event Type Color
  • Actor Color

Show Event Type Marker

Toggles display of event type markers.

Show Actor Marker

Toggles display of the actor marker.

Show Timestamps

Toggles display of timestamps.

Show Actor

Toggles display of actors.


Use the options available from the Find menu to locate specific event or log message.


The text box above the event log functions as a quick text-based filter. Type any text and click Apply, and only entries containing that text will be displayed. To revert to displaying all entries, delete the search string and click Apply again.

You can toggle visibility of User Events, Service, Info Events and Raw Events using the toggle buttons at the top of the view.

Click the Advanced button to open a panel with additional filtering options:


Use the options available from Formatting menu to configure the view.