Actor Statistics Report

The Actor Statistics Report generator (Views > Actor Statistics Report) allows you to generate a high-level report on timing properties and CPU usage for the whole trace (if no selection exists in the main trace view), or the selected interval. The report can be saved as HTML, which allows you to store it for future reference, e.g., to compare timing and CPU load between different versions of your system.

When you launch the Statistics Report, a configuration dialog is shown through which you can select which actors and properties you wish to include in the report.

The available properties include high level statistics per task and ISR, like CPU usage, but also provide more details statistics for individual Actor Instances.

The interval in focus of the report is shown in the bottom. This can either be the selected interval from the main trace view, or the full trace if no selection exists.

Available properties:

Click Show Report to generate the report. The report contains a summary table, as shown in the example below.