Understanding Persistent vs. Transient

The words Persistent and Transient appear frequently throughout the documentation for the Monitor utility and its related APIs. It is important to understand the meaning of these words in the context of RTX64 monitoring.

In the RTX64 monitoring environment, these concepts typically apply in reference to monitoring event sets and product components.

Persistent vs. Transient Event Sets

Monitor events belong to two distinct sets; the Persistent Event Set and the Transient Event Set:

Persistent vs. Transient Product Components

You can enable/disable event collection for individual RTX64 product components persistently through the Control Panel or programmatically, using the APIs referenced below. Depending on the APIs you use, changes to component event collection will either be persistent or transient.

API Description

Real-Time API RtMonitorGetEnabledComponents

Retrieves the transient configuration of RTX64 product components that currently have monitoring event generation enabled.

Real-Time API RtMonitorToggleComponents

Transiently toggles the generation of monitor events by one or more RTX64 product components.


An enumeration that represents RTX64 product components that can have their monitoring event generation enabled/disabled transiently.

Managed Code Framework API Subsystem.GetEnabledComponents

Returns the transient or persistent configuration specifying which product components currently have monitor event generation enabled.

Managed Code Framework API Subsystem.ToggleEnabledComponents Method

Transiently or persistently toggles the enabled state of monitor event generation for one or more product components.

Managed Code Framework API Subsystem.MonitorComponent Enumeration

An enumeration that represents the product components that can have monitor event generation enabled/disabled transiently or persistently.

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