Processor Assignment

You configure how many of the processors are dedicated to Windows and how many are dedicated to the Real-Time Subsystem (RTSS). Depending upon the edition of RTX64 Runtime, up to 63 processors can be dedicated to RTSS.

NOTE: If you use Hyper-Threading, you should avoid splitting two logical cores that use the same physical core between Windows and RTSS.

You can use the RTX64 Activation and Configuration utility to configure the number of processors dedicated to Windows and the number dedicated to RTSS.

When configuring processors, it is helpful to remember the following rules:

Processors are identified by their system-wide processor number when using an affinity mask within an RTAPI call. For example, three processors are dedicated to Windows and five are dedicated to RTSS. Physically, this configuration translates into dedicating Processors 0, 1, and 2 to Windows and Processors 3 through 7 to RTSS.

NOTE: The sum of processors dedicated to Windows and to RTSS should equal the total number of processors in your system. If you do not configure your system in this way, the unassigned processors will not be used by either Windows or RTSS and you will lose valuable processors.

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