Event Classes

The table below contains an alphabetical listing of the available Monitor event names. For each event name, a description is provided along with the associated Managed Code Framework class name and the corresponding fields that appear in the text output. All events listed in the text output of a monitoring session include the Time Stamp Counter (TSC), Process ID (PID), Thread ID (TID), and the core (CORE) on which the event occurred.

For example:

20848276916965: Context Switch, CORE 4, Event generated by PID 0, TID 2
  Old Thread: 0, New Thread: 2, Old Process 0, New Process 0

To navigate the table of events, scroll the table or click on a link below to jump to a particular section.

A-C | D-F | H-L | M-RS-TU-W | Examples


Name Description Managed Code Framework Class Name Text Output Fields
Attach Line Based Interrupt

Represents an application attaching to a line-based interrupt.

This event is generated when a call to RtAttachInterrupt is made to attach a line-based interrupt.



Handle: The handle for this interrupt attachment.

Stack Size: The stack size of the IST thread (if one exists), otherwise zero.

Function Addr: The IST function (or NULL if not used).

Context: The opaque context value to pass to the IST and ISR functions.

ISTThreadPriority: The priority of the interrupt handler. This is only defined if ISTFunction is non-NULL.

InterfaceType: The I/O bus interface type.

PCIBus: The I/O bus number.

SlotNumber: The I/O bus slot number.

Interrupt Lv1: The bus interrupt level.

Interrupt Vector: The I/O bus interrupt vector.

Shared: Whether the interrupt is shared or not.

InterruptMode: The interrupt mode (level-sensitive or latched).

ISR Func Addr: The ISR function (or NULL if not used).

Processor Affinity Mask: A bit mask specifying the processors on which this interrupt is enabled.

Attach Message Based Interrupt

Represents attaching an IST or ISR to a message-based interrupt.

This event is generated when a call to RtAttachInterrupt is made to attach a message-based interrupt.

MonitorEventAttachInterruptMessagedBased Handle: The handle for this interrupt attachment.

MSI: Whether the caller prefers that the device uses MSI instead of MSI-X interrupts.

IST Func Addr: The IST function (or NULL if not used).

ISR Func Addr: The ISR function (or NULL if not used).

Context: The context value passed to the IST and ISR functions.

Stack Size: The stack size of the IST thread (if one exists), otherwise zero.

IST Priority: The thread priority of the IST thread. This is only defined if ISTFunction is non-NULL.

BusNumber: The I/O bus number.

SlotNumber: The I/O bus slot number.

Processor Affinity Mask: A bit mask specifying the processors on which this interrupt is enabled


Represents a change in Class of Service (CLOS) of a thread.

MonitorEventCLOSSet TargetThreadID: The thread ID of the target thread.

TargetProcessID: The thread ID of the target process.

newCLOS: The new thread CLOS.

oldCLOS: The CLOS of the thread prior to the change.

Context Switch

Represents a context switch event.

This event is generated when a thread context switch happens. This event is disabled by default, because there can be several thousands of context switches per second.

NOTE: Context Switch events are enabled by default.


Old Thread: The thread ID of the previous thread.

New Thread: The thread ID of the next thread.

Old Process: The process ID of the process to which oldThread belongs.

New Process: The process ID of the process to which newThread belongs. This can be the same as oldProcessID.

Contiguous Windows Memory Allocate

Represents the successful allocation of physically contiguous memory by a call to RtAllocateContiguousMemory.


Address: The address of the allocated memory.

Size: The size of the allocation request.

Max Address: The highest physical address that can be part of the range allocated.

Contiguous Windows Memory Allocate Fail

Represents a failed allocation of physically contiguous memory by a call to RtAllocateContiguousMemory.

This event is generated when RtAllocateContiguousMemory is called and it fails.


Size: The size of the allocation request.

Max Address: The highest physical address that can be part of the range allocated.

Contiguous Windows Memory Specify Cache Allocate

Represents a successful allocation of physically contiguous memory by a call to RtAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache.

This event is generated when RtAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache is called and it succeeds.


Memory Address: The address of the allocated memory.

Size: The size of the allocation request.

Min Address: The lowest physical address that can be part of the range allocated.

Max Address: The highest physical address that can be part of the range allocated.

Boundary: The physical address multiple that the allocated memory must not cross. This is always a power of two.

CacheType: The type of caching allowed for the requested memory.

Contiguous Windows Memory Specify Cache Allocate Fail

Represents a failed allocation of physically contiguous memory by a call to RtAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache.

This event is generated when RtAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache is called and it fails.


Size: The size of the allocation request.

Min Address: The lowest physical address that can be part of the range allocated.

Max Address: The highest physical address that can be part of the range allocated.

Boundary: The physical address multiple that the allocated memory must not cross. This is always a power of two.

CacheType: The type of caching allowed for the requested memory.

Contiguous Memory Free

Represents freeing physically contiguous memory via RtFreeContiguousMemory.

This event is generated when RtFreeContiguousMemory is called and it succeeds.


Address: The address being freed.

Contiguous Memory Free Fail Represents failed freeing of contiguous memory MonitorEventContiguousMemoryFreeFail

Address: The address that failed to become freed.

Error: The error code indicating why the failure happened.

Critical Section Delete

Represents a thread deleting a critical section.

This event is generated when DeleteCriticalSection is called.

MonitorEventCriticalSectionDelete Critical Section: The address of the CRITICAL_SECTION object.
Critical Section Enter

Represents a thread entering a critical section.

This event is generated when TryEnterCriticalSection is successfully called.

MonitorEventCriticalSectionEnter Critical Section: The address of the CRITICAL_SECTION object.
Critical Section Init

Represents the creation of a critical section.

This event is generated when InitializeCriticalSection is called.

MonitorEventCriticalSectionInit Critical Section: The address of the CRITICAL_SECTION object.
Critical Section Leave

Represents a thread leaving a critical section.

This event is generated when LeaveCriticalSection is called

MonitorEventCriticalSectionLeave Critical Section: The address of the CRITICAL_SECTION object.

Represents a custom event generated by user application code.

This event generated by a call to RtGenerateEvent.

NOTE: In Tracealyzer, custom events are displayed as user events.


UserKind: The user's custom event kind.

Size: The number of valid bytes in array Data[].

Data[500]: Up to 500 bytes of user-supplied custom event data.

Data Lost

Represents a Data Lost event.

This event is generated when the RTX64 monitoring framework internal buffers become full, resulting in loss of monitoring event data. If you see this event, you should use the RTX64 Control Panel to increase the amount of non-paged pool memory allocated to monitoring and/or monitor fewer kinds of events. This event indicates that at least one but possibly many monitoring events were lost. The kind of the first lost event is given on the second line of this event.

IMPORTANT! The size of this event must be small enough to fit in one MTB ring buffer slot.

MonitorEventDataLost Lost Event: The kind of event that was lost.
Event Create Represents the creation of an event (the kind used for synchronization, not a Monitoring Framework event).

This event is generated when RtCreateEvent is called.


Manual Reset: This is TRUE if the event is a manual reset event.

Initially Signaled: This is TRUE if the event was created in the signalled state, FALSE if it was created in the reset state.

State: This is TRUE if the event is signalled, FALSE if it is reset.

Count: This is the number of threads waiting on this event.

Ref Count: The reference count of this event.

Name: The name of the event (if it has one). If the event has no name, this is the empty string.

Handle: The handle for this event.

Event Destroy

Represents the destruction of an event object.

This event is generated after the last handle to an event object is closed.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.


State: The state of the event: TRUE means signaled, FALSE means reset.

Manual Reset: Whether or not the event is manual reset.

Waiters: Number of waiters.

Name: Event name

Event Open

Represents opening of an event (the kind used for synchronization).

This event is generated when RtOpenEvent is called.


Handle: The handle returned by this open operation.

Manual Reset: This is TRUE if the event is a manual reset event.

State: This is TRUE if the event is signalled, FALSE if it is reset.

Reference Count: The reference count of this event after this open operation completes.

ThreadsWaiting: This is the number of threads waiting on this event.

Name: The name of the event (if it has one). If the event has no name, this is the empty string.

Event Pulse

Represents a call to RtPulseEvent by a user application.


State: The state of the eventat the time of the call to RtPulseEvent(): TRUE means signaled, FALSE means reset.

Manual Reset: Whether or not the event is manual reset.

Waiters: Number of waiters on the event at the time of the call to RtPulseEvent().

Name: Event name if it has one, otherwise the empty string.

Event Reset Represents a call to RtResetEvent by a user application. MonitorEventEventReset

State: The state of the eventat the time of the call to RtResetEvent: TRUE means signaled, FALSE means reset.

Manual Reset: Whether or not the event is manual reset.

Waiters: Number of waiters on the event at the time of the call to RtResetEvent().

Name: Event name if it has one, otherwise the empty string.

Event Set Represents a call to RtSetEvent by a user application. MonitorEventEventSet State: The state of the eventat the time of the call to RtResetEvent: TRUE means signaled, FALSE means reset.

Manual Reset: Whether or not the event is manual reset.

Waiters: Number of waiters.

Name: Event name.

Exception Interrupt

Represents an exception interrupt that occurs on an RTSS processor.

This event is generated when a low-level exception, such as an access violation, page fault, divide-by-zero, or double fault, occurs. This event does not represent a C++ or .NET exception.


Exception Code: The exception value.

RIP: The RIP at the time the exception happened.

RSP: The RSP at the time the exception happened.

FP: The frame pointer at the time the exception happened.

Fast Semaphore Acquire

Represents a thread acquiring a RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.

This event is generated when RtAcquireFastSemaphore is called.


Fast Semaphore: The address of the RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.

Fast Semaphore Initialize

Represents a thread initializing a RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.

This event is generated when RtInitializeFastSemaphore is called.

MonitorEventFastSemaphoreInit Fast Semaphore: The address of the RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.
Fast Semaphore Release

Represents a thread releasing some waiters on a RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.

This event is generated RtReleaseFastSemaphore is called.


Fast Semaphore: The address of the RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.

Count: The number of waiting threads requested to be released.

Fast Semaphore Release All

Represents a thread releasing all waiters a RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.

This event is generated when RtReleaseAllFastSemaphore is called.

MonitorEventFastSemaphoreReleaseAll Fast Semaphore: The address of the RTFAST_SEMAPHORE object.
File Object Create Generated when a file has been opened by the subsystem. MonitorEventFileCreate

Handle: The handle to the file.

FileName: The full path to the filename that was opened.

File Object Destroy Generated when a file has been destroyed by the subsystem. MonitorEventFileDestroy Handle: The handle to the file.

FileName: The full path to the filename that was opened.

Handle Close

Represents the closing of a handle.

This event is generated CloseHandle is called on any handle.


Handle: The handle being closed.

ObjectType: The type code of the object that this handle references. The type codes are given as OT_*macros at the top of RTSS\Include\Object.h.

Reference Count: The reference count of the object after being decremented for the close operation.

Heap Allocate

Represents a successful memory allocation using HeapAlloc.

This event is generated HeapAlloc or HeapReAlloc is called.


Address: The address of the allocated memory.

Size: The size of the allocation request.

Heap: The handle to the heap from which to allocate the memory.

Flags: The flags parameter passed to HeapAlloc().

Heap Allocation Fail Represents a failed memory allocation using HeapAlloc. MonitorEventHeapAllocFailed Size: The size of the allocation request.

Heap: The handle to the heap from which to allocate the memory.

Flags: The flags parameter passed to HeapAlloc().

Heap Create

Represents the creation of a heap.

This event is generated when HeapCreate is called.


Creation Options: This is the options parameter passed to HeapCreate() when this heap was created.

Init Size: This is the initial size parameter passed to HeapCreate() when this heap was created.

Max Size: This is the maximum size parameter passed to HeapCreate() when this heap was created.

Unique Mutex ID: This is the unique ID of the mutex associated with this heap (if there is one), otherwise this is zero.

Handle: The handle for this heap.

Heap Destroy

Represents the destruction of a heap.

This event is generated when HeapDestroy is called.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.


Size: Size of the heap when it was destroyed

Handle: Handle to the destroyed heap.

Heap Free

Represents freeing memory via HeapFree().

This event is generated when HeapFree is called.


Address: The address being freed.

Handle: The handle to the heap.

Flags: The flags parameter passed to HeapFree().

Heap Free Fail Represents failed freeing of memory via HeapFree(). MonitorEventHeapFreeFail

Address: The address that failed to become freed.

Handle: The handle to the heap.

Flags: The flags parameter passed to HeapFree().

Error: The error code indicating why the failure happened.

Heap Re-Allocate Represents a successful call to HeapReAlloc. MonitorEventHeapReAlloc

Old address: The address of the memory before re-allocation.

New address: The address of the memory after re-allocation.

Old size: The size of the memory before re-allocation.

New size: The size of the memory after re-allocation.

Handle: The handle of the heap that was passed to HeapReAlloc.

Flags: The Flags parameter passed to HeapReAlloc.

Ideal Processor Set

Represents a thread setting its ideal processor.

This event is generated when SetThreadIdealProcessor is called.


Handle: The handle of the thread whose ideal processor is being set.

Target TID: The thread ID of the target thread.

Target PID: The process ID of the process that owns the target thread.

New Ideal Processor: The processor number of the new ideal processor for the target thread.

Previous Ideal Processor: The processor number of the previous ideal processor for the target thread.

IST Handler

Represents invocation of an IST handler function.

This event is generated when an IST interrupt handler is called.


Function Ptr: A pointer to the application-supplied IST handler function.

Context: The opaque context value to be passed to the IST handler function.

TID: The thread ID of the IST thread.

Vector: The system interrupt vector number.

Mask: The mask for this interrupt.

Shared: TRUE if this interrupt is shared, FALSE otherwise.

MsixTableAddr: MSI-X table address.

Processor: The processor to which this IST thread is affined.

Line Based Interrupt Release

Represents the release of a previously attached line-based interrupt.

This event is generated when RtReleaseInterrupt is called to release a line-based interrupt.


Handle: The handle for this interrupt attachment.

ISTFunction addr: The IST function (or NULL if not used).

ISRFunction addr: The ISR function (or NULL if not used).

Context: The opaque context value to pass to the IST and ISR functions.

ISTThreadPriority: The priority of the interrupt handler. This is only defined if ISTFunction is non-NULL.

Local Memory Alloc

Represents a successful allocation from the local memory pool.

This event is generated when local memory is allocated, as with RtAllocateLocalMemory, or when a process is configured to use Local Memory for all allocations.


Address: The memory address of the allocated memory.

Size: The requested size of the allocated memory.

Flags: This is either RTALLOC_NOT_ZERO_MEMORY, which means the allocated memory was not filled with zero bytes, or zero, which means the allocated memory was filled with zero bytes.

Local Memory Alloc Fail

Represents a failed allocation from the local memory pool.


Error: The error code indicating why the failure happened.

Size: The requested size of the allocated memory.

Flags: This is either RTALLOC_NOT_ZERO_MEMORY, which means the allocated memory was not filled with zero bytes, or zero, which means the allocated memory was filled with zero bytes.

Local Memory Expand

Represents the expansion of the local memory pool.

This event is generated the local memory pool expands, either automatically or by calling RtExpandLocalMemory.

MonitorEventLocalMemoryExpand ExpandSize: The amount by which the local memory pool expanded (in bytes).
Local Memory Free

Represents freeing local memory.

This event is generated when local memory is freed, as with RtFreeLocalMemory or when a process is configured to use local memory for all allocations.

MonitorEventLocalMemoryFree Address: The address being freed.
Local Memory Free Fail Represents failed freeing of local memory. MonitorEventLocalMemoryFreeFail

Address: The address that failed to become freed.

Error: The error code indicating why the failure happened.

Local Memory Shrink

Represents the shrinking of the local memory pool.

This event is generated when the Local Memory pool shrinks, either automatically or by calling RtShrinkLocalMemory.

MonitorEventLocalMemoryShrink Shrink Size: The amount by which the local memory pool shrank (in bytes).
Memory Map Represents a successful call to RtMapMemory. MonitorEventMemoryMap

Virtual Address: The virtual address at which the physical memory is mapped.

Physical Address: The physical address passed to RtMapMemory().

Size: The size of the memory to be mapped (in bytes).

CacheType: The cache type to use for the mapped memory.

Memory Unmap Represents a successful call to RtUnmapMemory. MonitorEventMemoryUnmap Virtual Address: The virtual address at which the physical memory is mapped.
Message Based Interrupt Release

Represents the release of a previously attached message-based interrupt.

This event is generated when RtReleaseInterrupt is called to release a message-based interrupt.


Handle: The handle for this interrupt attachment.

ISTFunction addr: The IST function called to handle the interrupt. NULL if no function given.

ISRFunction addr: The ISR function called to handle the interrupt. NULL if no function given.

Context: The context value passed to the IST and ISR functions.

ISTThreadPriority: The thread priority of the IST thread. This is only defined if ISTFunction is non-NULL.

Module Load

Represents a successful load of a module (RTSS or RTDLL).

This event is generated when a module is loaded, either by launching a new real-time process or by implicitly or explicitly loading an RTDLL.

MonitorEventModuleLoad Path: The pathname of the module.
Module Unload

Represents a successful unload of a module (RTSS or RTDLL).

This event is generated when a module is unloaded, either at process termination or when an RTDLL is unloaded by a call to FreeLibrary.

MonitorEventModuleUnload Path: The pathname of the module.
Mutex Create

Represents a mutex creation event.

This event is generated when RtCreateMutex is called.


Count: Acquisition count (0 if free).

Abandoned: TRUE if mutex was abandoned.

Initial Owner: Initial ownership state.

OwnerPID: Process that currently owns the mutex (or 0 if no owner).

OwnerTID: Thread that currently owns the mutex (or 0 if no owner).

Priority: Mutex level priority, it is used when priority Promotion is in effect.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on this mutex.

Reference Count: The reference count of this mutex.

Name: Mutex name. If it's an unnamed mutex, this is the empty string.

Handle: The handle for this mutex.

Mutex Destroy

Acquisition count (0 if free).

This event is generated when the last handle to a mutex is closed.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.


Count: Acquisition count (0 if free)

Abandoned: TRUE if mutex was abandoned

Owner PID: Process that currently owns the mutex (or 0 if no owner).

Owner TID: Thread that currently owns the mutex (or 0 if no owner).

Priority: Mutex level priority, it is used when priority Promotion is in effect.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on this mutex.

Name: Mutex name. If it's an unnamed mutex, this is the empty string.

Mutex Open

Represents opening of a mutex.

This event is generated when RtOpenMutex is called.


Handle: The handle for this mutex returned by this open operation.

Count: Acquisition count (0 if free)

Abandoned: TRUE if mutex was abandoned

OwnerPID: Process that currently owns the mutex (or 0 if no owner).

OwnerTID: Thread that currently owns the mutex (or 0 if no owner).

Priority: Mutex level priority, it is used when priority Promotion is in effect.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on this mutex.

Referenced: The reference count of this mutex after this open operation completes.

Name: Mutex name. If it's an unnamed mutex, this is the empty string.

Mutex Release

Represents a mutex being released by a call to RtReleaseMutex.

NOTE: NOTE: If the mutex recursion count is greater than zero after RtReleaseMutex() returns, the mutex remains locked by the current thread.


MutexCount: The recursion count of the mutex. If this is non-zero, the mutex is locked. If this is greater than one, the owning thread has locked it more than once.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on the mutex after RtReleaseMutex() returns.

Handle: The handle to the mutex being released.

Name[MAX_PATH]: The name of the mutex. If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Priority Demotion

Represents priority demotion.

This event is generated when thread priority demotion occurs.


Target TID: The thread ID of the thread getting the priority demotion.

Target PID: The process ID of the process that owns the thread getting the priority demotion.

New Priority: The new priority of the demoted thread.

Previous Priority: The previous priority of the demoted thread.

Priority Promotion

Represents priority promotion to solve priority inversion.

This event is generated when thread priority promotion occurs.


Target TID: The thread ID of the thread getting the priority promotion.

Target PID: The process ID of the process that owns the thread getting the priority promotion.

New Priority: The new priority of the promoted thread.

Previous Priority: The previous priority of the promoted thread.

Process Affinity Mask Set

Represents the setting of a process's processor affinity mask.

This event is generated when RtSetProcessAffinityMask is called.


Target PID: The process ID of the target thread (the thread having its affinity mask set).

New Mask: The new thread affinity mask.

Previous Mask: The previous thread affinity mask.

Affined Processor: The new affined processor number for the target process.

Process Create

Represents the creation of a real-time process.

NOTE: This event also represent proxy processes. When the process being created is a proxy process, this event appears as ProxyProcessCreate in the output.


Exec: The pathname to the executable this process is running. This is always NUL-terminated, even at the expense of truncating the pathname.

Cmd: The command line used to start this process. This is always NUL-terminated, even at the expense of truncating the command line string.

Spawned PID: The process ID.

Spawned TID: The thread ID of the initial thread.

Affinity Mask: The processor affinity mask.

Affined Processor: The affined processor number.

Local Mem: TRUE if the process uses local memory by default for allocations, FALSE otherwise.

Ref Count: The reference count of this process.

Flags: Internal process flags.

Handle: The handle for this process.

Process Destroy

Represents the destruction of a process.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.

NOTE: This event also represents proxy processes. When the process being destroyed is a proxy process, this event appears as ProxyProcessDestroy in the output.


Destroyed PID: The process ID.

Exit Code: The process's exit code.

Affinity Mask: The processor affinity mask.

Processor: The affined processor number.

Flags: Internal process flags.

Process Open

Represents opening of a process.

This event is generated when RtOpenProcess is called.


ProcessID: The ID of the process being opened.

Handle: The handle to the newly opened process.

Processor Affinity Mask: The processor affinity mask.

Processor: The affined processor number.

Reference Count: The reference count of this process after being incremented for this open operation.

Flags: Internal process flags.

Path: The pathname to the executable this process is running. This is always NUL-terminated, even at the expense of truncating the pathname.

Resume Thread Represents a call to ResumeThread from a user application. MonitorEventThreadResume

Target TID: The ID of the thread being resumed.

Target PID: The ID of the process that owns the thread being resumed.

Suspend Count: The previous suspend count returned by ResumeThread() to the user application.

Semaphore Create

Represents the creation of a semaphore.

This event is generated when RtCreateSemaphore is called.


Max Count: The maximum count of this semaphore.

Current Count: The current semphore count.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on this semaphore.

Ref Count: The reference count of the semaphore.

Name: The name of the semaphore (if it has one). If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Handle: The handle for this semaphore.

Semaphore Destroy

Represents the destruction of a semaphore.

This event is generated after the last handle to a semphore object is closed.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.

MonitorEventSemaphoreDestroy Max Count: The maximum count of this semaphore.

Current Count: The semphore count at the time it was destroyed.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on this semaphore.

Name: The name of the semaphore (if it has one). If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Semaphore Open

Represents opening of a semaphore.

This event is generated when RtOpenSemaphore is called.


Handle: The handle for this semaphore.

Max Count: The maximum count of this semaphore.

Count: The current semphore count.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on this semaphore.

Referenced: The reference count of the semaphore after this open operation completes.

Name: The name of the semaphore (if it has one). If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Semaphore Release Represents a semaphore being released by a call to RtReleaseSemaphore. MonitorEventSemaphoreRelease

Release Count: The release count passed to RtReleaseSemaphore().

New Count: The new semaphore count after incrementing the old count by ReleaseCount and waking zero or more waiting threads.

Previous Count: The semaphore count at the moment RtReleaseSemaphore() was called.

Threads Waiting: The number of threads waiting on the mutex after RtReleaseSemaphore() returns.

Name: The name of the semaphore. If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Session Marker Represents an internal marker event generated by the Monitoring Framework. This event is used to mark the enabling/disabling of monitoring and other interesting internal events. MonitorEventMarker

MarkerKind: The kind of marker this event represents.

SystemTime: The system time as returned by KeQuerySystemTime() at the time this event was generated.

Magic[4]: A four-byte magic value that must be "IZFL" with no terminating NUL byte.

Shared Memory Create

Represents the creation of a shared memory region.

This event is generated when RtCreateSharedMemory is called.


Flags: The permission flags for the shared memory region.

Size: The size of the shared memory region.

Address: The address of the start of the shared memory region.

Ref Count: The reference count of the shared memory region.

Name: The name of the shared memory region (if it has one). If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Handle: The handle for this shared memory region.

Shared Memory Destroy

Represents the destruction of a shared memory object.

This event is generated after the last handle to a shared memory region is closed.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.

MonitorEventSharedMemoryDestroy Flags: The permission flags for the shared memory region.

Size: The size of the shared memory region.

Address: The address of the start of the shared memory region.

Name: The name of the shared memory region (if it has one). If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Shared Memory Open

Represents opening of a shared memory region.

This event is generated when RtOpenSharedMemory is called.


Handle: The handle for this shared memory region.

Flags: The permission flags for the shared memory region.

Size: The size of the shared memory region.

Address: The address of the start of the shared memory region.

Ref Count: The reference count of the shared memory region after this open operation completes.

Name: The name of the shared memory region (if it has one). If it has no name, this is the empty string.

Shutdown Handler Create

Represents the creation of a shutdown handler.

This event is generated when RtAttachShutdownHandler is called.


Func: A pointer to the handler function for this shutdown handler.

Context: The context value to be passed to the handler function.

TID: The ID of the thread that will call the handler function.

Thread Priority: The priority of the thread that will call the handler function.

Handle: The handle for this shutdown handler.

Shutdown Handler Destroy

Represents the destruction of a shutdown handler.

This event is generated after RtReleaseShutdownHandler is called.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.

MonitorEventShutdownHandlerDestroy Handle: The handle for this shutdown handler.
SRI to Windows Event Generated when an SRI over to Windows has been initiated. (no unique ID) MonitorEventSriToWindows FunctionName: The name of the function that is sent to Windows for resources.
SRI to Windows Return Event Generated when an SRI over to Windows has returned. (no unique ID) MonitorEventSriToWindowsReturn FunctionName: The name of the function that is sent to Windows for resources.
Subsystem Stop

Represents the RTX64 subsystem stopping.

MonitorEventSubsystemStop Time: The system time when this event was generated.
Suspend Thread

Represents a call to SuspendThread from a user application.


Target TID: The ID of the thread being suspended.

Target PID: The ID of the process that owns the thread being suspended.

Suspend Count: The previous suspend count returned by SuspendThread() to the user application.

Thread Terminate Generated when a thread terminates. MonitorEventThreadTerminate ExitCode: an integer value of what the thread’s exit code was.
Timer Cancel Represents a timer being cancelled. MonitorEventCancelTimer

Function: The user-supplied timer function.

Context: The user-supplied opaque context value.

Clock: The timer clock.

Period: The timer period.
ThreadID: The timer thread ID.

ThreadPriority: The timer thread priority.

TLS Alloc Represents a call to TlsAlloc by a user application. MonitorEventTLSAlloc Index: The TLS index returned by TlsAlloc().
TLS Free Represents a call to TlsFree by a user application. MonitorEventTLSFree

Index: The TLS index passed to TlsFree().
Status: The status value returned by TlsFree().

Error: If Status is FALSE, this holds the error code describing the error, otherwise it is undefined.

TLS Free Fail Represents a failed call to TlsFree by a user application. MonitorEventTLSFreeFail

Index: The TLS index that failed to pass to TlsFree().

Error: The error code indicating why the failure happened.

Thread Affinity Mask Set

Represents the setting of a thread's processor affinity mask.

This event is generated when SetThreadAffinityMask is called.


Target TID: The thread ID of the target thread.

Target PID: The process ID of the process that owns the target thread.

New Mask: The new thread affinity mask.

Previous Mask: The previous thread affinity mask.

Affined Processor: The new affined processor number for the target thread.

Thread Create

Represents the creation of a thread. This event is generated for both user threads and proxy threads.

This event is generated when a real-time thread is created, either automatically as when a process starts or by a call to RtCreateThread.


Spawned TID: The thread ID.

Spawned PID: This thread's process ID.

StackSize: The thread's stack size.

Start Function: The thread's start function.

Argument: The argument passed to this thread's start function.

Priority: The thread priority.

Time Quantum: The thread's time quantum.

Suspend Count: This thread's suspend count.

Process Affinity: This thread's processor affinity mask.

State: The thread state at creation time.

Ref Count: The reference count of this thread.

Flags: The thread flags.

Handle: The handle for this thread.

Thread Destroy

Represents the destruction of a thread.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.

MonitorEventThreadDestroy Current TID: The thread ID.

Current ProcessID: This thread's process ID.

StackSize: The thread's stack size.

Exit Code: The thread's exit code.

Priority: The thread priority.

Time Quantum: The thread's time quantum.

Suspend Count: This thread's suspend count.

Affinity Mask: This thread's processor affinity mask.

Processor: This thread's affined processor number.

State: The thread state at destruction time.

Flags: The thread flags.

Thread Open Represents the instance a real-time thread is opened. This occurs when a real-time process calls OpenThread. MonitorEventThreadOpen StackSize: The thread's stack size.

Start Function: The thread's start function.

Argument: The argument passed to this thread's start function.

Priority: The thread priority.

Time Quantum: The thread's time quantum.

Suspend Count: This thread's suspend count.

Process Affinity: This thread's processor affinity mask.

State: The thread state at creation time.

Ref Count: The reference count of this thread.

Flags: The thread flags.

Handle: The handle for this thread.

Thread Priority Set

Represents a change to a thread's priority via RtSetThreadPriority or SetThreadThreadPriority.

This event is generated when RtSetThreadPriority is called or when the RTX64 subsystem performs internal thread scheduling operations.


Target TID: The ID of the thread having it's priority changed.

Target PID: The ID of the process that owns the thread having it's priority changed.

New Priority: The new priority of the thread.

Previous Priority: The previous priority of the thread.

Thread Time Quantum Set Represents a change to a thread's time quantum via RtSetThreadTimeQuantum. MonitorEventThreadQuantumSet

Target TID: The ID of the thread having it's time quantum changed.

Target PID: The ID of the process that owns the thread having it's time quantum changed.

New Time Quantum: The new time quantum of the thread.

Previous Time Quantum: The previous time quantum of the thread.

Thread Sleeping

Represents a thread sleeping.

This event is generated when Sleep or RtSleepFt is called.

MonitorEventThreadSleep Sleep Duration: The duration of the sleep in 100 nanosecond intervals.
Time Quantum Expire

Represents the expiration of a thread's time quantum.


Time Quantum: The current thread's time quantum at the time it expired.

Priority: The current thread's priority at the time it expired.

Timer Cancel This event is generated when RtCancelTimer is called. MonitorEventTimerCancel

Func Addr: The user-supplied timer function.

Context: The user-supplied opaque context value.

Clock: The timer clock.

Timer Period: The timer period.

Timer ThreadID: The ID of the timer thread.

TimerPriority: The timer thread priority.

Timer Handle: The handle of the cancelled event.

Timer Create

Represents a timer creation event.

This event is generated when RtCreateTimer is called.


Stack Size: The thread stack size of the timer thread.

Func Addr: The user-supplied timer function.

Context: The user-supplied opaque context value.

ThreadPriority: The timer thread priority.

Clock: The timer clock.

Affinity: The processor affinity mask passed to RtCreateTimer(Ex) by the user.

Processor: The processor to which the timer thread is affined.

Timer Period: The timer period.

Timer ThreadID: The timer thread ID.

Handle: The handle for this timer.

Timer Destroy

Represents the destruction of an timer object.

This event is generated after RtDeleteTimer is called.

NOTE: This event can happen an arbitrary amount of time after the reference count on the corresponding subsystem object reaches zero.

MonitorEventTimerDestroy Func Addr: The user-supplied timer function.

Context: The user-supplied opaque context value.

Clock: The timer clock.

Period: The timer period.

Timer ThreadID: The timer thread ID.

ThreadPriority: The timer thread priority.

Timer Expire Represents a timer expiration. MonitorEventTimerExpire Function: The timer callback function.

Context: The user-supplied opaque context value.

Clock: The timer clock.

Period: The timer period.

ThreadID: The timer thread ID.

ThreadPriority: The timer thread priority.

Timer Set Represents a timer being set. MonitorEventTimerSet Function: The user-supplied timer function.

Context: The user-supplied opaque context value.

Relative: Was the timer set using relative or absolute times.

Clock: The timer clock.

Expiration Period: The initial expiration period.

Interval Period: The repeating expiration interval.

ThreadID: The timer thread ID.

ThreadPriority: The timer thread priority.

Timer Handle: The handle of the set event.

Unhandled Exception Filter Set Represents a call to SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. MonitorEventUnhandledExceptionFilter

New Filter Function: A pointer to the newly-installed unhandled exception filter function. This is NULL if SetUnhandledExceptionFilter is resetting unhandled exception filtering to the default behavior.

Previous Filter Function: A pointer to the previously-installed unhandled exception filter function. This is NULL if there was no previously-installed filter function.

Unhandled Exception Filter Call

Represents a call to a user-supplied unhandled exception filter function that was installed using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter.

This event is generated when an unhandled exception filter function is called.


Filter Function: A pointer to the unhandled exception filter function that was called.

Exception ADDR: The exception address from the EXCEPTION_RECORD structure passed to the filter function.

Code: The exception code from the EXCEPTION_RECORD structure passed to the filter function.

Flags: The exception flags from the EXCEPTION_RECORD structure passed to the filter function.

NumberParameters: The number of exception parameters in array ExceptionInformation from the EXCEPTION_RECORD structure passed to the filter function.

Exception Information: The exception parameters array from the EXCEPTION_RECORD structure passed to the filter function.

WaitForMultipleObjectsEX Return

Represents a call to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx returning, either successfully or not.

This event is generated when WaitForMultipleObjects or WaitForMultipleObjectsEx returns.


Count: The number of object handles passed to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

Handles: The handles passed to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

Timeout: The timeout (in 100 ns intervals) passed to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

Object Types: The types of the objects on which the current thread was waiting. Zero indicates the array element does not represent an object.

Returned: The value returned by RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

WaitForMultipleObjectsEX Wait

Represents a call to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx waiting a set of synchronization objects.

This event is generated when WaitForMultipleObjects or WaitForMultipleObjectsEx blocks execution to wait on one or more objects. Each handle being waited on is listed (along with the type of object referenced by the handle) starting on the third line of this event.

MonitorEventWFMOEXWait Count: The number of object handles passed to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

Handles: The handles passed to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

Timeout: The timeout (in 100 ns intervals) passed to RtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx().

Object Types: The types of the objects on which the current thread is about to wait. Zero indicates the array element does not represent an object.

WaitForSingleObjectEX Return Represents a call to RtWaitForSingleObjectEx returning, either successfully or not. MonitorEventWFSOEXReturned

Handle: The handle passed to RtWaitForSingleObjectEx().

Timeout: The timeout (in 100 ns intervals) passed to RtWaitForSingleObjectEx().

Object Type: The type of the object on which the current thread was waiting.

Returned: The value returned by RtWaitForSingleObjectEx().

Waiting Threads: The current number of threads waiting on the object (not including the current thread).

WaitForSingleObjectEX Wait

Represents a call to RtWaitForSingleObjectEx waiting for a synchronization object.

This event is generated when WaitForSingleObject or WaitForSingleObjectEx blocks execution to wait on an object.

MonitorEventWFSOEXWait Handle: The handle passed to RtWaitForSingleObjectEx().

Timeout: The timeout (in 100 ns intervals) passed to RtWaitForSingleObjectEx().

Object Type: The type of the object on which the current thread is about to wait.

Waiting Threads: The current number of threads waiting on the object (including the current thread).

Watchdog Reset Represents an instance where a watchdog timer reset occurs on certain cores. MonitorEventWatchdogReset

Affinity: The affinity mask representing the processors where the watchdog timer was reset

Core: The core(s) on which the watchdog reset occurred.

Windows Memory Allocate

Represents a successful allocation of memory from Windows by a real-time process.

This event is generated when Windows memory is allocated by the RTX64 subsystem, either for internal use or as the result of a request from a user application (i.e., a call to malloc or new).


Address: The address of the allocated memory.

Size: The size of the allocation request.

Windows Memory Allocation Fail

Represents a failed allocation of memory from Windows by a real-time process.

MonitorEventWindowsMemoryAllocFailed Size: The size of the allocation request.
Windows Memory Free Represents freeing memory to Windows. MonitorEventWindowsMemoryFree Address: The address being freed.
Windows Memory Free Fail Represents failed freeing of memory to Windows. MonitorEventWindowsMemoryFreeFail

Address: The address that failed to become freed.

Error: The error code indicating why the failure happened.


Below are examples of Event Classes as they appear in text output of a monitoring session.

Heap Create

Heap Create: TSC 14313774442814, PID 1001, TID 12, CORE 2

Handle: 0xFFFFFA80`1BEFD000, Creation Options: 0x0, Init Size: 4096, Max Size: 0, Unique Mutex Id: 0

Heap Destroy

Heap Destroy: TSC 14330549202694, PID 1001, TID 12, CORE 2

Handle: 0xFFFFFA80`1BF06000, Size: 0

Heap Free

Heap Free: TSC 14313776522750, PID 1001, TID 12, CORE 2

Address: 0xFFFFFA80`198F6110, Handle: 0xFFFFFA80`1BEFD000, Flags: 0x0


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