Subsystem.StopForce Method

Stops the Subsystem, even if RTSS processes or Windows processes linked to RTX64 are still running. If the Subsystem fails to stop properly, this method throws an exception of type RTX64Win32Exception, and instance property State returns STOP_ERROR.

Namespace:  IntervalZero.RTX64.Control
Assembly:  IntervalZero.RTX64 (in IntervalZero.RTX64.dll) Version: (File version: 4.5.0)

public void StopForce()


This method has no parameters.


IMPORTANT! If this method throws an exception containing the error RT_ERROR_TIMEOUT_STOPPING_SUBSYSTEM, the Subsystem will likely be left in an error state as parts of the Subsystem shut down. This is most likely to occur if there are real-time applications running that have shutdown handlers attached, and whose shutdown handler threads may take more than 60 seconds to finish executing. While in this state, additional calls to this function can be made, but they will continue to fail with the same error if the shutdown handler threads are still running. If this condition persists longer than expected, the only recovery option is a full system restart.






Throws an instance of RTX64Win32Exception if a failure occurs when attempting to stop the Subsystem.


See Also