MonitorEvent.UniqueID Property

This is a unique identifier of an RTX64 Subsystem object associated with this event. If no unique ID was available when this event was generated, this property will be zero. Each subclass of this class has a different meaning for this property, as follows:
  • Class MonitorEventAttachInterruptLineBased - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventAttachInterruptMessageBased - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventCancelTimer - The UniqueID property holds the ID of a timer object.
  • Class MonitorEventContextSwitch - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventContiguousMemoryAlloc - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventContiguousMemoryAllocFailed - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventContiguousMemoryAllocSpecifyCache - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventContiguousMemoryAllocSpecifyCacheFailed - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventContiguousMemoryFree - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventContiguousMemoryFreeFail - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventCriticalSectionDelete - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the deleted critical section object.
  • Class MonitorEventCriticalSectionEnter - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the critical section object.
  • Class MonitorEventCriticalSectionInit - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the initialized critical section object.
  • Class MonitorEventCriticalSectionLeave - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the critical section object.
  • Class MonitorEventCustom - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventDataLost - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventEventCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created event object.
  • Class MonitorEventEventDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed event object.
  • Class MonitorEventEventOpen - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the opened event object.
  • Class MonitorEventEventPulse - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the pulsed event object.
  • Class MonitorEventEventReset - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the event object that was reset.
  • Class MonitorEventEventSet - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the event object that was set.
  • Class MonitorEventExceptionInterrupt - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventFastSemaphoreAcquire - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the acquired fast semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventFastSemaphoreInit - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the initialized fast semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventFastSemaphoreRelease - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the released fast semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventFastSemaphoreReleaseAll - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the released fast semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventHandleClosed - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the RTX64 Subsystem object to which the handle refers.
  • Class MonitorEventHeapAlloc - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the heap object.
  • Class MonitorEventHeapAllocFailed - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the heap object.
  • Class MonitorEventHeapCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created heap object.
  • Class MonitorEventHeapDestroy - The UniqueID property is holds the ID of the destroyed heap object.
  • Class MonitorEventHeapFree - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the heap object.
  • Class MonitorEventHeapFreeFail - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the heap object.
  • Class MonitorEventIdealProcessorSet - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread for which the ideal processor was set.
  • Class MonitorEventInterruptLineBasedRelease - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventInterruptMessagebasedRelease - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventIstHandler - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventLocalMemoryAlloc - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventLocalMemoryAllocFailed - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventLocalMemoryExpand - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventLocalMemoryFree - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventLocalMemoryFreeFail - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventLocalMemoryShrink - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventMarker - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventMemoryMap - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventMemoryUnmap - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventModuleLoad - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventModuleUnload - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventMutexCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created mutex object.
  • Class MonitorEventMutexDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed mutex object.
  • Class MonitorEventMutexOpen - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the opened mutex object.
  • Class MonitorEventMutexRelease - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the released mutex object.
  • Class MonitorEventPriorityDemotion - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventPriorityPromotion - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventProcessAffinityMaskSet - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventProcessCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created process object.
  • Class MonitorEventProcessDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed process object.
  • Class MonitorEventProcessOpen - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the opened process object.
  • Class MonitorEventSemaphoreCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventSemaphoreDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventSemaphoreOpen - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the opened semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventSemaphoreRelease - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the released semaphore object.
  • Class MonitorEventSharedMemoryCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created shared memory object.
  • Class MonitorEventSharedMemoryDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed shared memory object.
  • Class MonitorEventSharedMemoryOpen - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the opened shared memory object.
  • Class MonitorEventShutdownHandlerCalled - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the shutdown handler object.
  • Class MonitorEventShutdownHandlerCreate - The UniqueID property is holds the ID of the created shutdown handler object.
  • Class MonitorEventShutdownHandlerDestroy - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventSubsystemStop - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventSuspendThread - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the suspended thread.
  • Class MonitorEventTLSAlloc - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventTLSFree - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventTLSFreeFail - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadAffinityMaskSet - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread for which the affinity mask was set.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created thread.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed thread.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadPrioritySet - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread for which the priority was set.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadQuantumSet - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread for which the time quantum was set.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadResume - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the resumed thread.
  • Class MonitorEventThreadSleep - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the sleeping thread.
  • Class MonitorEventTimeQuantumExpired - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread for which the time quantum expired.
  • Class MonitorEventTimerCreate - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the created timer.
  • Class MonitorEventTimerDestroy - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the destroyed timer.
  • Class MonitorEventTimerExpire - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the expired timer.
  • Class MonitorEventTimerSet - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the timer that was set.
  • Class MonitorEventUnhandledExceptionFilterCalled - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventUnhandledExceptionFilterSet - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventWFMOEXReturned - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventWFMOEXWait - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the waiting thread.
  • Class MonitorEventWFSOEXReturned - The UniqueID property is 0.
  • Class MonitorEventWFSOEXWait - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the waiting thread.
  • Class MonitorEventWindowsMemoryAlloc - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread that allocated memory.
  • Class MonitorEventWindowsMemoryAllocFailed - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread that attempted to allocate memory.
  • Class MonitorEventWindowsMemoryFree - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread freeing memory.
  • Class MonitorEventWindowsMemoryFreeFail - The UniqueID property holds the ID of the thread that attempted to free memory.

Namespace:  IntervalZero.RTX64.Monitor
Assembly:  IntervalZero.RTX64 (in IntervalZero.RTX64.dll) Version: (File version: 4.5.0)

public ulong UniqueID { get; }

Property Value

Type: UInt64
See Also