Building a 32-bit User Space Application

Follow the steps below to create a 32-bit User Space RTSS application.

To build a 32-bit User Space application:

  1. Create an RTX64 application using the RTX64 Application template in Visual Studio. For more information, see Using the RTX64 Application Template.
  2. Right click on the solution name in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer window, and then choose Configuration Manager… from the context menu.

  1. The Configuration Manager window appears. On the Active solution platform: menu, choose <New…>.
  2. The New Solution Platform dialog appears, showing Win32 under Type or select the new platform.
  3. Click Close. The Solution Platforms list box should now show Win32:
  4. Select either Release or Debug from the Solution Configurations list box:
  5. Build the project normally.

NOTE: It is not possible to build a working RTSS or RTDLL binary using the following combinations from the Solution Configurations and Solution Platforms list boxes:

• RTSSDebug / Win32
• RTSSRelease / Win32

NOTE: Batch builds that include the following configurations will fail:

• RTSSDebug / Win32
• RTSSRelease / Win32

To resolve this issue, clear the check boxes for each configuration.

To make a C/C++ project that uses RTAPI.DLL:

  1. In Visual Studio, add these #include directives to the project’s source code:
  2. #include <windows.h>

    #include <RtAPI.h>

  3. Open the Property Pages for the project.
  4. Set Configuration to All Configurations and set Platform to All Platforms, and then do the following:



  1. Set Platform to x64, and then do the following:


  1. Set Platform to x32, and then do the following:


  1. Click OK, and then rebuild the project.

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