RtNalIGC Driver Source

Source files for the RtNalIGC driver are available at \IntervalZero\RTX64 SDK\4.5\DriverSource\RtNalIGC\. Visual Studio project and solution files are provided for Visual Studio 2019.

Source Files:

\IntervalZero\RTX64 SDK\4.5\DriverSource\RtNalIGC\source\

Visual Studio 2019 Files:


Building the Driver:

  1. Open the appropriate solution file (\VS2019\RtNalIGC_VS2019.sln) in Visual Studio 2019.
  2. Select the desired Solution Configuration and Solution Platform in the IDE.
  3. Click Build > Build Solution. A successful build results in a real-time DLL (RTDLL).

Using the Driver:

To use the new driver built above, you must associate it with a network interface through the RTX64 Control Panel. To do this:

NOTE: Before you can manage interfaces, you must first have converted a Windows Network device to RTX64 control. For more information, see Converting a Windows device to RTX64. For an up-to-date list of the devices supported by this driver, see the RTX64 Supported NICs document, available from the Customer Center.

  1. Launch the Control Panel and navigate to the Manage Interfaces page.

  1. Under Interfaces, click Add. The Add Interface dialog appears.
  2. Specify a Name for the interface. The name cannot include more than 64 characters.
  3. Select a Real-Time Network Device (RTND) from the Device drop-down.
  4. Click Browse to browse for the driver you created above.
  5. Specify the PCI bus Location of the network interface card for the interface in the form of three semicolon-separated integers. This parameter is optional if only one device of its kind is installed. The default location is 0;0;0.
  6. Select the Support TCP/IP check box if you want the new interface to support TCP/IP functionality. When selected, you must specific the following settings:
  7. The IPv4 Address of the interface in dotted-quad notation
  8. The IPv4 Netmask of the interface in dotted-quad notation
  9. Click Add. The interface for the selected device appears under Interfaces.
  10. Restart the NAL and TCP/IP Stack (if running) for your changes to take effect. If you plan to make other changes that require a restart of the network, make those changes first and then restart the NAL when you are finished. You must stop all network-enabled processes before you can restart.

See Managing Network Interfaces for more information.