
RtNalEnumInterfaceInfo retrieves information on Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) interfaces.


BOOL RtNalEnumInterfaceInfo(
   PRTNAL_INTERFACE pNalInterfaceInfo,
   DWORD index



A pointer to structure RTNAL_INTERFACE that returns the current interface for the enumeration.


When using this function it should be called in a loop where index starts at 0. index is then incremented and the function is called again until the function fails and returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the function succeeds. Otherwise it returns FALSE. Call GetLastError to obtain an error code. The possible error code is listed below:

Error Code Meaning
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER pNalInterfaceInfo is a NULL pointer.
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS There are no more items to return for the interface.
ERROR_NOT_READY RtNalInit has not completed successfully.


Minimum Supported Version RTX64 4.0
Header rtnapi.h, RtNalApi.h
Library RtNal.lib