Release Notes for RTX64 2013 with Service Pack 1 Update 1


Key Features

RT-TCP/IP Stack and Drivers

Issues Resolved


Activation and Configuration

Tools and Utilities

RT-TCP/IP Stack and Drivers


  • Fully implemented Windows side RTAPI calls for RtGetBusDataByOffset, RtSetBusDataByOffset and RtTranslateBusAddress. (2155, 2340)
  • Resolved an issue regarding API call RegQueryValueEx returning ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER instead of ERROR_MORE_DATA when the user-supplied buffer was too small. (2214, 2334)
  • Resolved an issue where API call RegEnumValue did not properly handle buffer overruns and returned the wrong error code when filling a user supplied buffer. (2215, 2332)
  • Resolved an issue where Windows side RTAPI calls set incorrect error codes, causing GetLastError to return invalid information. (2335, 2353)
  • Resolved an issue where RtMapMemory did not work correctly when called from a Windows application linked to RTX64. (2347)
  • Improved the Managed code framework to provide better range checking for network Interface properties. (2219)
  • Resolved an issue where RtGetModuleBaseName did not properly support UNICODE. (2300)
  • Resolved an issue where GetModuleHandle did not handle NULL as an input parameter for the module name. (2356)
  • Resolved an issue where network functions failed when sin_family/sa_family were set to AF_INET. (2329)
  • Resolved an issue where the RtEthernetFilter filter interface received all incoming packets twice when using the RtRtl8168 real-time network driver. (2336)


Known Issues