Real-Time API (RTAPI) Overview

The RTAPI (real-time application programming interface) set is composed of unique interfaces and Windows-based interfaces. Most RTAPI interfaces are identified by the prefix "Rt". For example, RtCloseHandle.

Unique real-time interfaces

These functions are new, Windows-modeled extensions that provide essential programming capabilities required for real-time applications. There is no equivalent Windows function for these RTAPI functions. The function begins with the "Rt" prefix and the interface semantics are modeled on the Windows programming interface semantics.

Windows-based real-time interfaces

These functions are also extensions to the Windows functions and provide additional real-time programming capability. Unlike the unique real-time functions, there are similar functions in the Windows environment; however, they behave differently. The differences are required by the real-time semantics. The function name is prefixed with "Rt" and the interface semantics are compatible with Windows programming interface semantics.

For example, the function RtCreateMutex is required for real-time programming. There is a Windows functional equivalent, but RtCreateMutex does not behave exactly like the Windows CreateMutex function. The Rt prefix signifies that the function is an RTAPI function.


See Also