Matrix of C++ Support

The table below lists general statements of support for C++ elements based on internal testing of C++ version 11 and Visual Studio 2017.

NOTE: C++ versions 14 and 17 have not been tested due to their incomplete support of these standards.

Element Level of support
Algorithms Supported
Atomics Supported
Containers Supported
Deprecated Facilities (DEPR) Supported
Diagnostics Some support. We recommend you test any code that uses Diagnostics.
Experimental Not supported

Input/Output Streams

Some support. Relative paths are not supported. We recommend you test any code that uses Input/Output streams.
Threading Not supported but may work. We recommend you test any code that uses Threading.
Iterators Supported
Language Supported
Localization Not supported but may work. We recommend you test any code that uses Localization.
Numerics Some support. We recommend you test any code that uses Numerics.
Regular Expressions Some support. We recommend you test any code that uses Regular Expressions.
Strings Supported
Utilities Supported

NOTE: As of SDK version 3.5, RTX64 supports thread-safe function-local static initialization (also known as "magic statics"), which is a C++11 language feature.

You can view our test results and download the LLVM Libcxx C++ test suite for RTX64 from GitHub at