RTFW_CONSOLE_CONFIGURATION_EX represents the configuration of real-time application output consoles.


    size_t Size;
    bool DisplayConsole;
    bool UsePerProcessConsoles;
    bool AutoClose;
    bool StartMinimized;
    bool LogOutput;
    uint16_t TCPPort;
    unsigned int DisplayBufferSize;
    unsigned int LogFolderMaxDiskSize;
    wchar_t LogFolder[MAX_PATH];



The size of this structure (in bytes). Client code must set this member to sizeof(RTFW_CONSOLE_CONFIGURATION_EX) before passing this structure to any function. This is used to identify the version of this structure if it is extended.


If true, the output from a real-time application will cause a real-time output console to appear. If false, a console will not appear.


If true, the output from each real-time application will be displayed in separate real-time output consoles. If false, output from all real-time applications will be displayed in a single real-time application.


Determines whether real-time output consoles close automatically. If true, the consoles close automatically, otherwise they remain open until the user closes them. When configured to close automatically, and if member UsePerProcessConsoles is true, each console closes when its corresponding real-time process terminates. When UsePerProcessConsoles is false, the single console closes when the Subsystem stops.

NOTE: When AutoClose is set to true, console output generated by a real-time process shortly before it terminates may not to be displayed, as its corresponding console has already automatically closed.


If displaying the console, and this is true, the console window starts in a minimized state. If false, the console window will be visible. If DisplayConsole is false, this has no affect.


Determines whether or not each console’s output is logged to a separate file in the folder specified by field LogFolder. If true, output will be logged. If false, output will not be logged.


The TCP port on which RTX64 Server listens for real-time application console connections. This value must not be 0 (zero). The range is 1 to 65,535 (inclusive). You should not set this value to a port number that is in use by other software. A machine's firewall configuration does not need to be changed to open this port, because it is only used with the loopback interface.


The upper limit (in kilobytes) of textual data that will be displayed in the console window (the window where output from real-time processes is displayed). When this limit is exceeded, the oldest characters in the window are removed, leaving only the most recent DisplayBufferSize kilobytes of character data. If this value is 0, there is no limit on how much textual data will be displayed.

NOTE: While there is no upper limit on this value, setting it to very large values can cause real-time application consoles to consume excessive amounts of virtual memory.


The maximum size of the real-time application consoles log folder, in megabytes.


The absolute pathname of the log file where output from real-time applications is appended if member LogOutputToFile is true.

IMPORTANT! This file is never removed and never truncated, so its size can grow without bound. If this file does not exist, it is created. User SYSTEM must have permission to create and write this file, otherwise output will not be written to this file.


Minimum Required Version RTX64 4.1
Header RtfwAPI.h
Library RtfwAPI.lib

See Also:

