RTFW_LOCAL_MEMORY_CONFIGURATION represents the configuration of the RTX64 Subsystem and its use of Local Memory MSpaces.


    size_t          Size;
    bool            EnableLocalMemory;
    unsigned int    SystemExtMSpacePoolMinimumSize;
    bool            SystemExtMSpacePoolCommit;
    bool            SystemMSpacesPoolExpandable;
    unsigned int    SystemMSpacesPoolExpandSize;
    bool            SystemMSpacesPoolShrinkable;
    unsigned int    ProcessExtMSpacePoolMinimumSize;
    bool            ProcessMSpacesPoolExpandable;
    unsigned int    ProcessMSpacesPoolExpandSize;
    bool            ProcessMSpacesPoolShrinkable;
    bool            ZeroMemoryAtAllocation;
    unsigned int    SystemIntMSpacePoolMinimumSize;
    unsigned int    ProcessIntMSpacePoolMinimumSize;



The size of this structure (in bytes). Client code must set this member to sizeof(RTFW_LOCAL_MEMORY_CONFIGURATION) before passing this structure to any function.


If true, the real-time Subsystem memory allocation uses Local Memory MSpaces. If false, the Subsystem allocates memory by requesting it from Windows and all MSpace values are ignored.

IMPORTANT! Local memory pool allocation is deterministic when the pool has enough memory to complete the request. Windows memory allocation from the nonpaged pool is not deterministic.

NOTE: This configuration parameter applies to all real-time processes. It cannot be overridden for a specific process.


The minimum size, in kilobytes, of the local pool within the system process external MSpace. This value must be within the range 64 KB to 4,194,292 KB.


Commits the local pool within the system process external MSpace at startup.


If true, the local pool within the system process MSpace is expandable by the amount specified by SystemMSpacesPoolExpandSize when depleted.


The size, in kilobytes, by which to expand the local pool within the system process MSpace when SystemMSpacesPoolExpandable is set to true. This value must be within the range 64 KB to 4,194,292 KB. It cannot be 0.


If true, the local pool within the system process MSpace is shrinkable.


The minimum size, in kilobytes, of the local pool within the RTSS process external MSpace. This value must be within the range 64 KB to 4,194,292 KB.


If true, the local pool within the RTSS process MSpace is expandable by the amount specified by ProcessMSpacesPoolExpandSize when depleted.


The size, in kilobytes, by which to expand the local pool within the RTSS process MSpace when ProcessMSpacesPoolExpandable is set to true. This value must be within the range 64 KB to 4,194,292 KB.


If true, the local pool within the RTSS process MSpace is shrinkable.


If true, the memory allocated by malloc or similar C-Runtime functions is initialized to zero according to the C99 specification, otherwise the memory is not initialized. See Zeroing Memory at Allocation for more information.


The minimum size, in kilobytes, of the local pool within the system process internal MSpace. This value must be within the range 64 KB to 4,194,292 KB.


The minimum size, in kilobytes, of the local pool within the RTSS process internal MSpace. This value must be within the range 64 KB to 4,194,292 KB.


Minimum Required Version

RTX64 3.4

API changes for RTX64 4.0

  • Renamed parameter UseLocalMemory to EnableLocalMemory

Added these members:

  • SystemExtMSpacePoolMinimumSize
  • SystemExtMSpacePoolCommit
  • SystemMSpacesPoolExpandable
  • SystemMSpacesPoolExpandSize
  • SystemMSpacesPoolShrinkable
  • ProcessExtMSpacePoolMinimumSize
  • ProcessMSpacesPoolExpandable
  • ProcessMSpacesPoolExpandSize
  • ProcessMSpacesPoolShrinkable
  • ZeroMemoryAtAllocation
  • SystemIntMSpacePoolMinimumSize
  • ProcessIntMSpacePoolMinimumSize
Header RtfwAPI.h
Library RtfwAPI.lib

See Also:

Memory Management

Local Memory