
RtGetRDTCapability returns the system Resource Director Technology (RDT) allocation capability.

NOTE: RtGetRDTCapability is only supported in the RTSS environment. It cannot be called from a Windows application linked to RTX64.


BOOL RtGetRDTCapability(
	ULONG *pRDTResourceBitMap,



A pointer to a ULONG variable. It stores the resource types with allocation capability in RDT. The value stored is a bit map. The offset (defined below) of each setting bit represents a resource type available for allocation:

Define Meaning
RDT_RESOURCE_BITOFFSET_L3_CAT If this bit is set the hardware supports L3 level Cache Allocation Technology (CAT)
RDT_RESOURCE_BITOFFSET_L2_CAT If this bit is set the hardware supports L3 level Cache Allocation Technology (CAT)
RDT_RESOURCE_BITOFFSET_MBA If this bit is set the hardware supports Memory Bus Allocation (MBA)

For example, if the value stored is 0xa, L3 cache and memory bandwidth are available for allocation.


A pointer to a ULONG variable. It stores the number of Class of Services (CLOS) available for performance prioritization of RTSS threads.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the function succeeds; returns FALSE if the argument was invalid.


If the system does not support RDT, or RDT is disabled in the RTX64 Control Panel, pRDTResourceBitMap and pNumberOfCLOS point to a value of 0.

If RDT is supported and enabled in the RTX64 Control Panel, and both CAT and MBA are configured to Flat performance mode, pNumberOfCLOS returns 1.


Minimum Supported Version RTX64 3.5
Header RtssApi.h
Library Rtx_Rtss.lib

See Also:



Optimizing Performance with Intel Resource Director Technology (RDT)