VSIX Packages Installed with the RTX64 SDK

The RTX64 SDK installs the following VSIX packages to the folder %RTX64SDKDir4%\VSExtensions when the corresponding Visual Studio feature is selected in the installer:

If you choose to install Visual Studio Support for a supported version of Visual Studio, you can run the corresponding RTX64 VSIX package to install its functionality in Visual Studio without having to re-install the RTX64 SDK in its entirety. This is typically useful in the scenario where support is needed for a supported version of Visual Studio that was installed after the RTX64 SDK was installed.

To install the Real-Time Debugger and templates for Visual Studio 2022:

Run the VSIX package RTX64VSSupport2022.vsix.

To install the Real-Time Debugger and templates for Visual Studio 2019 and 2017:

Run the VSIX package RTX64VSSupport.vsix.

To install the Real-Time Debugger for Visual Studio 2015:

Run the VSIX package RtBaseDebugMonitorVsXXXX.vsix that corresponds to the appropriate Visual Studio version.

To install templates for creating RTSS applications and RTDLLs for Visual Studio 2015:

Run the VSIX package RTXProjectWizard.vsix.

NOTE: When multiple major version RTX64 SDKs are installed (for example, 3.x SDK and 4.x SDK), uninstalling the older major version RTX64 SDK removes the RTX64 VSIX extension(s) from Visual Studio. To restore them, open File Explorer and navigate to %RTX64SDKDir4%\VSExtensions, and then manually install the appropriate VSIX package(s).