
This example program demonstrates how to use an RTDLL in an RTSS Process. It uses library functionality to provide an application similar to the DLL sample.

Source Files

The Rtdll example includes three projects, available from the VS<Visual Studio Version> folder:

The Source folder contains three source files:

File Description
explicitlyUsingRtdll.c Source file that loads an RTDLL, calls an RTDLL function, and then frees the RTDLL. It can be built as either a Win32 .exe binary, or an .rtss binary.
implicitlyUsingRtdll.c Source file that is compiled with the project settings the .rtdll is linked in, then through an import command we define the toggle function and run the toggle through the RTSS we just called.
sampleRtdll.c Source file for an RTDLL that contains the function "Toggle" which toggles the state of the speaker.

APIs Referenced


Supported Windows API