System Response Time Measurement (SRTM)


The System Response Time Measurement (SRTM) utility measures timer delivery latencies using the RTX64 synchronized clock and timers. It then prints the results.

Source Files

Building the Sample

Build the sample as is. See Usage for additional options.

Running the Sample

Run the sample as is. See Usage for additional options.


srtm | srtm [/?] [/h] [/s] [/1] [/f] seconds_to_sample


/h = Display histogram (in addition to summary)

/s = Turn on sound (square wave driven by timer)

/1 = Use a 10 MS timer period (default is 1 MS)

/f = Use fastest available timer (1MS or better)

/n num = Multiple SRTM instances aware (num = the total number of instances)

/? = help on usage

If no parameters given, default is srtm /h /s /f 15


The SRTM program can be built as a Win32 .exe or real-time .rtss executable file.

Also see Using SRTM.

APIs Referenced