Causes and Management of Interrupt Latencies

Interrupt latency is of particular concern to real-time systems developers. This topic examines its causes and RTX64 techniques for managing them.

Software Causes

Software causes of interrupt latencies include:

Hardware Causes

Hardware causes of interrupt latencies include:

RTX64 Power Plan

RTX64 does not support Windows hibernation or hybrid sleep. These features must be disabled to provide real-time performance. To facilitate this process, the RTX64 Runtime installer clones your machine’s existing power plan and creates and enables a new power plan called RTX64-Recommended. We strongly advise that you modify this new power plan to match the settings detailed below.

NOTE: During uninstall, the RTX64 installer reactivates the original power plan and deletes the RTX64-Recommended plan.

Basic Settings

Category Settings
Sleep Sleep After = Never

Allow hybrid sleep = Off

Hibernate after = Never

Advanced Settings

Category Settings
Hard disk

Turn off hard disk after = Never

Sleep Sleep After = Never

Allow hybrid sleep = Off

Hibernate after = Never
PCI Express Link State Power Management = Off
Processor power management Minimum processor state = 100%

Maximum processor state = 100%

Recommended Laptop Settings

On laptops, both AC and DC behaviors are set for all the above settings.

We also recommend the following settings when running RTX64 on a laptop:

Category Settings
Processor power management System cooling policy
On battery Active
Plugged in Passive

NOTE: For optimal performance when running RTX64 on a laptop, we recommend that you convert Display adapters to Microsoft Basic Display Adapter in the Windows Device Manager. If you choose not to convert display adapters, you may experience latency.

Additional Latency Considerations

Other variables that can influence RTX64 performance include Windows device driver implementations, OpenGL usage, and legacy USB support. To minimize interrupt latencies, the OEM should disable the following:

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