RTSS/RTDLL Binary Compatibility with RTX64 Runtime

This topic provides an overview of the validation workflow used to determine whether an RTSS/RTDLL binary is compatible with the RTX64 Runtime version that attempts to run it.

Validation Workflow

Step 1: 

The user develops and builds an RTSS application or RTDLL. As a post-build step, the binary must be stamped using the StampTool that is provided as part of the SDK for it to be runnable by a RTX64 Runtime. The binaries are stamped with the version and license information of the SDK version that was used to build it.

NOTE: You can verify the stamped data of a binary using the StampTool with the /info flag.

Step 2:

The user runs the binary. RTX64 Runtime checks for the following criteria in the binary's stamp:

The answer to the criteria must be Yes for RTX64 Runtime to run the application or RTDLL.

If the answer to any one of the two criteria is No, RTX64 Runtime rejects the binary.

NOTE: A binary built by a Retail version SDK can be run on either a Retail or Evaluation version Runtime. A binary built by an Evaluation version SDK can only be run on an Evaluation version Runtime.

Version Compatibility

Binaries built with RTX64 SDK version 2014 SP2 and above will run on RTX64 Runtime version 2014 SP2 and above, unless the binary calls an API that does not exist in the Runtime.

Please note the following: