
This sample includes a simplified TCP server, a simplified blocking TCP client, and a simplified non-blocking TCP client.

Source Files

File Description
TCPIPClient.c Source File for TCP Client.
TCPIPClientNblock.c Source file demonstrating use of API connect for a non-blocking socket.
TCPIPClientServer.h Header file.
TCPIPServer.c Source File for TCP Server.
TCPIPClient_VS<Visual Studio Version>.vcxproj Client project file for supported versions of Visual Studio.
TCPIPServer_VS<Visual Studio Version>.vcxproj Server project file for supported versions of Visual Studio.
TCPIP_VS<Visual Studio Version>.sln Solution file for supported versions of Visual Studio.
ReadMe.txt Text file containing a description of the sample and a list of provided files.

Running the Sample

Launch RtssRun and type the following:

Rtssrun TCPIPServer.rtss

NOTE: This sample will choose the first interface IP. If you are using the Virtual Network, and you want to use an actual Network Interface Card for this sample, disable the Virtual NIC.

Rtssrun TCPIPClient.rtss <server IP Address>

APIs Referenced


Supported Windows API

Winsock BSD API

See Also


