IntervalZero.RTX64.RTAPI.IO Namespace

Public classRTBus
Encapsulates a hardware bus as a stream.
Public classRTInterruptHandler
Encapsulates the logic for an interrupt handler.
Public classRTMappedMemory
This class encapsulates a region of mapped memory and exposes it as a Stream.
Public classRTPCISlot
Encapsulates a PCI Slot number.
Public classRTPort
An abstract base class for Port I/O.
Public classRTPort8
An 8-bit implementation of the abstract Port class.
Public classRTSharedMemory
Encapsulates functionality of RTX64 shared memory.
Public structurePCICommonConfig
Encapsulates the common PCI configuration header.
Public enumerationBusDataType
The type of the bus data to be accessed using class RTAPI.IO.RTBus.
Public enumerationBusInterfaceType
This enumeration represents the available bus interface types.
Public enumerationMemoryCachingType
Caching type used by the MappedMemory object.
Public enumerationPCIBaseAddress
PCI Bus base address.
Public enumerationPCICommand
Represents the possible values contained in the device’s command register.
Public enumerationPCIHeaderType
PCI Header type.
Public enumerationPCIStatus
PCI Status.