Creating and Managing Bookmarks

You can use bookmarks to tag particular timestamps of interest in the current session trace. Bookmarks are managed through the Bookmarks menu options, which allow you to create, organize, export and import bookmarks.

Bookmarks appear as horizontal lines highlighted in green across the location at which they were added in the Trace View:

Creating Bookmarks

To create a new bookmark:

  1. Choose method for adding a new bookmark:

The Add Bookmark dialog appears.


  1. Enter information specific to the bookmark:
  1. Click Create. The new bookmark is now listed in the Bookmarks menu.

Managing Bookmarks

You can manage your bookmarks in the Bookmark Organizer window.

To manage bookmarks:

  1. Click Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks. The Bookmark Organizer window appears.

  1. Select the bookmark whose settings you want to change.
  2. Perform an action:

Note that you can also remove an existing bookmark directly from the Trace View. To do this, right-click on the bookmark node, and then click Remove.

Importing and Exporting Bookmarks

You can export your current session bookmarks to a bookmark file (.bmk), and load any previously-saved bookmark file, through the Bookmarks menu.

To export a bookmark file:

  1. Click Bookmarks > Export Bookmarks. The Save As dialog appears.
  2. Navigate to the folder to which you want to save the bookmarks file.
  3. Specify a File name. By default, the file name is the name of the session folder.
  4. Click Save.

To import a bookmark file:

  1. Click Bookmarks > Import Bookmarks. The Open dialog appears.
  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the bookmark file (.bmk), and then select the file.
  3. Click Open.