Menu Options

Jump to a menu in this topic to view information on its options.



File Menu

The File menu contains options for opening traces and exporting views and actor data:

Menu Option Description
  Open File Choose a monitoring session file to open and analyze.
Reload Trace Reloads the current session.
Show Trace Folder Shows the trace folder in the file system.
Save Current View as Image Exports the current trace view to an image.

Launches the Settings dialog through which you can configure Tracealyzer settings.

See Configuring Tracealyzer for more information.

Export Actor Data Exports actor instance data to a text file. The exported data includes start time, execution time, response time and fragmentation of each instance of the selected actors. You can export it as tab separated fields for import in other tools or space aligned columns for easy reading.
Recent Traces Displays a list of recently opened session folders.
Exit Exits the program.

Find Menu

The Find menu allows you to quickly find the previous or next instance from the selected instance. You can also open the Finder dialog from this menu, or by pressing CTRL+F.

Menu Option Description

Search the open session for actor instances, service calls and user events, or jump to a particular point in the session. For more information, see Using the Finder Window.

View Menu

The View menu allows you to configure the trace view and to open other views. See the respective page for information about the other views.

Menu Option Description
  Tool Windows Opens the Tool Windows window, which allows you to show/hide various windows.
Filter Opens the Filter window, which allows you to determine what information should be displayed in the different views.
Keyboard Mapping Opens the Keyboard Mapping window, in which you can assign keyboard shortcuts to various actions.
Save Filter from Current View Saves the filter from the current view to an XML file.
Load Filter to Current View Load a saved filter (XML file) and apply it to the current view.
Auto Load Filter Auto-loads the most recent filter.
Trace Overview Opens the Trace Overview window. This window provides information on the open session, including the trace length, number of events, and bookmarks. It also includes a session timeline.
Application Warnings Opens the Application Warnings window, which displays all warnings with a corresponding timestamp for each.
Reset all views to default View Port Resets all open views to their default view.
Trace View Settings This submenu contains options for configuring the color scheme and toggling the display of bookmarks.
Time Format

Choose a Time Format from the available options:

  • Trace Time (default)
  • Native Ticks
  • Event Index
  • Wall Clock Time
Time Offset

Choose a Time Offset from the available options:

  • Relative Earliest Event
  • Relative Latest Event
  • Absolute Time (default)
Horizontal Views

Configure settings for displaying information in horizontal views:

  • Interval Draw Mode
  • Interval Resolution
  • Toggle Legends
  • Toggle Scroll Bars
  • Toggle Bookmarks

Layout Menu

The Layout menu includes options that allow you manage the Tracealyzer layout.

Menu Option Description
Reset to Default Layout Resets to the default layout.
Remember Layout When enabled (default), Tracealyzer remembers the previously used layout and restores it as the default layout when started.
Layout Locked When enabled, views in the current layout cannot be rearranged.
Save New Layout Saves the current layout with a name you specify.
Manage Layout Rename or remove a saved layout.
Layouts Restore a previously saved layout.

Views Menu

The Views menu includes options that allow you to open the various views available in Tracealyzer.

Menu Option Description
Trace View, Vertical

Opens a new vertical Trace View window. This is the main view of Tracealyzer for RTX64, showing all recorded events.

Trace View, Horizontal

Opens a new horizontal Trace View window. This is the main view of Tracealyzer for RTX64, showing all recorded events.

Actor Instance Graphs

Opens the Actor Instance graphs, which display timing properties of actor instances, like execution time, response time, response interference and fragmentation.

Actor Statistics Report

Opens the Actor Statistics Report dialog, which provides performance statistics for tasks and traced ISRs

CPU Load Graphs

Opens the CPU Load Graphs, which display CPU usage over time

Context Switch Intensity

Opens the Context Switch Intensity graph, which shows the amount of context switches over time

Priority Changes

Displays changes to a task’s scheduling change priority.

Service Blocking

Opens the Service Call Block Time graph, which displays the kernel blocking times of service calls, i.e., the time between entry and return of blocking calls, for all objects or an object you specify.

Service Intensity

Opens the Service Call Intensity graphs, which display the number of Service Calls over time.

Communication Flow

Opens the Communication Flow graph, which offers a quick overview of the communication and synchronization between actors in a trace, through message queues, semaphores and mutexes.

Message Receive Time

Opens the Message Receive Time plot, which shows the message receive time, i.e., the time from a queue is put in a message queue, until it is received. This way, you can see if messages to a task are delayed.

Object List

Opens the Object List, which shows all objects.

Object Utilization

Opens the Object Utilization view, which visualizes the state of objects over time, such as the number of messages in a message queue.

User Event Signal Plot

Opens the User Event Signal Plot graph, which allows for plotting data from user events arguments.

Interval Plot

Opens the Interval Plot view, which plots the duration of intervals over time. This is ideal if you want to study how the distance in time between two important events varies. For more information on intervals, see Intervals and State Machines.

Interval Timeline

Opens the Interval Timeline view, through which you can plot state intervals over time. This effectively provides a software logic analyzer. For more information on intervals, see Intervals and State Machines.

Intervals and State Machines

Opens the Intervals and State Machines view, through which you can create intervals and state machines to visualize.

New State Machine

Opens the New State Machine dialog, through which you can either create a simple or advanced state machine.

State Machines Graph

Opens the State Machines Graph, which displays a directed graph showing the state transitions in the trace as defined by a state machine.

Memory Heap Utilization

Opens the Memory Heap Utilization graph, which visualizes the heaps in the current trace.

Event Log

Opens the Event Log, which displays the trace as a textual event listing, with powerful filtering tools. The view also supports exporting the trace as text file.

Event Intensity

Opens the Event Intensity graph, which displays the number of events per event type, during the selected interval.

View Port Overview

Opens the View Port Overview window, which shows the view ports that are used by any view.


Bookmarks Menu

The Bookmarks menu options allow you to create, organize, export and import bookmarks. All of the bookmarks you create are displayed in this menu. For more information, see Creating and Managing Bookmarks.

Menu Option Description
Add Bookmark Opens the Add Bookmark window.
Organize Bookmarks Opens the Bookmark Organizer window.
Export Bookmarks

Opens the Save As dialog, through which you can save existing bookmarks to a bookmark file (.bmk)

Import Bookmarks

Opens the Open dialog, through which you can open bookmark files (.bmk)

Trace Bookmarks

Lists the bookmarks in the current session. For example, bookmark 619.353.

Window Menu

The Window menu includes the product documentation, a sample custom event definitions file, and diagnostic information about the application.

Menu Option Description
New Window Opens a new Tracealyzer window.

Help Menu

The Help menu includes the product documentation, a sample custom event definitions file, and diagnostic information about the application.

Menu Option Description
User Manual Launches the RTX64 SDK Help system, opened to the Tracealyzer section.

Launches in the default Web browser.

About Tracealyzer for RTX64

Displays the About window, which contains information specific to the current version and build of Tracealyzer.