Modifying RTX64 PCI/PCIe Device Properties

You can choose to disable allocation of I/O Ports, use line-based interrupts (IRQs), request assignment of a specific IRQ, and share the requested IRQ with other RTX64 devices through the RTX64 Properties page for a selected RTX64 PCI/PCIe device.

NOTE: Some changes to this page require a reboot of the machine.


ClosedFiltering out I/O Port resources

RTX64 allows you to filter out I/O port resources. This is helpful when there is a conflict with the I/O space of another device. This procedure can be done after Converting a Windows Device to an RTX64 Device.

To filter out I/O Port resources:

  1. Open the Windows Device Manager. You can access this from the RTX64 Control Panel > Manage RTX64 Devices option.
  2. Right-click on the converted device you want to filter I/O Port resources for, and then select Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog, click RTX64.
  4. Check the Disable I/O Port allocation check box.
  5. Click OK.

If you get a message saying the system must be restarted, click OK.


ClosedUsing line-based interrupts (IRQs)

If you want to use message-based interrupts exclusively with the selected device, no configuration is necessary and you can click OK or Cancel to close the RTX64 properties page dialog box. If you want to use line-based interrupts with the MSI-capable device, follow the steps below.

NOTE: By configuring both line-based and message-based interrupts for an MSI-capable device, you make it possible for some RTSS applications to communicate with the device via line-based interrupts while others use message-based interrupts. However, you cannot attach to a device using message-based and line-based interrupts at the same time. If multiple applications attach simultaneously to a single MSI-capable device, they must all use the same interrupt type.

To use line-based interrupts (IRQs):

  1. Open the Windows Device Manager. You can access this from the RTX64 Control Panel > Manage RTX64 Devices option.
  2. Right-click on the converted device you want to filter I/O Port resources for, and then select Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog, click RTX64.
  4. Check the Use line-based interrupts (IRQs) check box.
  5. Configure the available IRQ settings:

You can find the IRQ in Windows Device Manager by right-clicking on the Network Card's icon and selecting Properties.

  1. Click OK.

If you get a message saying the system must be restarted, click OK.

  1. Reboot the machine so your IRQ changes take effect.

NOTE: Some applications communicate with non-MSI devices by other means, for example, polling. In these cases, deselecting Use line-based interrupts (IRQs) frees up line-based resources for use by other devices.

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