RtssRun Usage

RtssRun can be used to run an RTSS application from a Windows command prompt.

NOTE: See the RTX64 TechNote RTSS/RTDLL Binaries and RTX64 Runtime Version Compatibility for an overview of the validation workflow that is used to determine whether a RTSS/RTDLL binary is compatible with the RTX64 Runtime version that attempts to run it. To access TechNotes, log in to the IntervalZero Support site.


RtssRun [/l][/n][/a affinity_mask][/p ideal_processor][/s]  filename.rtss



If Request from Windows is enabled in the RTX64 control panel, the /l switch overrides this setting and causes RTSS applications to request memory from the RTX64 local memory pool instead whenever memory is allocated.


If Request from local memory pool is enabled in the RTX64 control panel, the /n switch overrides this setting and causes RTSS applications to request memory from the Windows non-paged pool instead whenever memory is allocated.

/a (1,2,...,63)

Affinity mask - specifies the processor affinity mask, as a list of comma-separated processor numbers, for the RTSS application about to run. For example:

RtssRun /a(2,3)

Use integers or hexadecimal values to identify the processors. Be sure to use system-wide processor numbers.

NOTE: The affinity mask can only contain processors associated with RTSS during configuration of the Subsystem.

/p n

Ideal processor - sets the ideal processor for the RTSS application about to run. Use an integer or hexadecimal value to identify the processor and be sure to use its system-wide processor number.

/s <order id>

Adds the specified binary as a scheduled task with the specified <order id>. An <order id>of -1 places the scheduled task at the end of the list.

NOTE: You must provide the full path name to the binary if the path is not included in a search path.


A simple file name, relative pathname, or absolute pathname to the RTSS application.


Parameters to the RTSS application being run.

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