RTX64 Activation and Configuration Usage

Use the RTX64 Activation and Configuration utility to activate RTX64 components and configure system processors. This command line utility allows for silent activation and configuration of RTX64 components.



Rtx64ActivationUtil.exe [-a Key] [-if File] [-ef Key File] [-lf File] [-aa Key] [-af Key File] 
[-w Proc] [-r Proc] [-v] [-dongle] [-nodongle] [-detectdongle] [-listdongles] [-h]



Create and activate the RTX64 license. Requires an activation key.


Rtx64ActivationUtil.exe -a <activation key>


Import an activation file.


Auto export a fingerprint file on next reboot.


Export a fingerprint file.


Provides a list of the dongles connected to the machine.


Import the license file.


Automatically activate the key on the next reboot of the system.


Force activation to the dongle.


Force activation to the machine.


Detects the ID of the dongle connected to the machine.


Set the number of Windows processors. Requires -r. A restart of Windows is required.


RtxActivationUtil.exe -w 3 -r 5


Set the number of RTSS processors. Requires -w . A restart of the RTX64 Subsystem is required.


RtxActivationUtil.exe -w 3 -r 5


Displays help.


Validates the license. This parameter will also display the current license(s).

Error Returns

Rtx64ActivationUtil.exe returns 0 when it succeeds. When it fails, it returns an error code. The table below lists the possible error codes returned by Rtx64ActivationUtil.exe.

Error Code Meaning
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Windows Administrator permissions are required
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Could be a number of reasons, such as: invalid values for RTSS or Windows processers; conflicting flags. arguments that failed to processes
ERROR_DEVICE_ENUMERATION_ERROR Two or more dongles are connected to the machine
ERROR_INVALID_DATA Failed to find server location or license file
ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION Returns for all error cases that are not translated to Windows errors
ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND Could not retrieve the process
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE Could not retrieve the process handle


On Windows 10 systems, you must run Rtx64ActivationUtil.exe as Administrator to successfully activate RTX64 components.

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