
RtfwFreeDeviceMemory frees the memory associated with the array of RTFW_DEVICEEX structures pointed to by parameter pRTX64Devices.


void RtfwFreeDeviceMemory(
    void * const pRTX64Devices,
    size_t countDevices



Points to the first array element returned previously by RtfwGetRTX64DevicesEx. If this value is NULL, the function fails, sets the last error value to ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

This parameter MUST be identical to the value returned by RtfwGetRTX64DevicesEx, otherwise undefined behavior will result.


This parameter MUST be identical to the count of devices returned by RtfwGetRTX64DevicesEx, otherwise undefined behavior will result.

Return Value

If this function succeeds, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false, sets the last error value, and leaves the array pointed to by pRTX64Devices with invalid data. Call GetLastError for additional error information.


Minimum Required Version RTX64 4.2
Header RtfwAPI.h
Library RtfwAPI.lib

See Also: