
RtfwGetRTX64DevicesEx retrieves the properties of all devices owned by RTX64.


bool RtfwGetRTX64DevicesEx(
    PRTFW_DEVICEEX * ppRTX64Devices,
    size_t * pCountDevices



Points to a pointer that will be set to point to an array of RTFW_DEVICEEX structures dynamically allocated by this API, each representing one device owned by RTX64 at the time this function was called. If this value is NULL, the function fails and sets the last error value to ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.


Points to a value that will be set by this API to the size of the array returned via parameter ppRTX64Devices. This value cannot be NULL.

Return Value

If this function succeeds, it returns true and sets the value pointed to by pCountDevices to the number of elements of the array that contain valid device data. Otherwise, it returns false, sets the last error value, and leaves both out parameters undefined. Call GetLastError for additional error information.


If the Subsystem is running when the RtfwGetRTX64DevicesEx API is called, the values returned by this function may differ from the values currently in use by the Subsystem.


Minimum Required Version RTX64 4.2
Header RtfwAPI.h
Library RtfwAPI.lib

See Also: