Scheduling Intensity

This view displays the amount of context switches over time. By default, it shows the whole trace divided into 100 intervals. For each time interval, a bar is drawn for each actor beginning or resuming execution at least once in that interval. The height of the bars represents the number of times that actor has begun or resumed execution in the given interval (i.e., the number of fragments of the actor).

You can control the number of intervals through the Resolution menu. To zoom in on a selection, click and drag to select an interval and use the Zoom or right click menu option.

NOTE: When zooming in the Scheduling Intensity view, the interval length decreases to show a more detailed graph. When zooming in closely, or when the trace is short, the graph may contain empty space corresponding to intervals where no context switches occur.

Menu Options

Views Menu Option Description
Add Add a view to the current view.
Remove Remove an existing view from the current view.
Resize Views To Fit Resizes all views to fit the current view window.
Resolution Menu Option Description

Very High - 200

High - 100

Medium - 50

Low - 25

Very Low - 10

Single - 1

Determines the number of intervals (data points in a line graph or bars in a bar graph) to display. For a more detailed graph, increase the number of intervals by selecting a higher resolution.
Zoom Menu Option Description
Show Full Trace Displays the full trace in the current view.
Zoom In Zooms in on the current view. To focus on a specific area, click and drag to select an interval.
Zoom Out Zooms out of the current view. To focus on a specific area, click and drag to select an interval.
Customize Menu Option Description
Show Filters/Legends

Toggles view of the actor view filters and legend.

Show Tool Panel

Toggles display of the Tool Panel.

Display Options Description
Various options for customizing the display of the current view. Each view contains its own Display Options icon (shown at left are the display options for the CPU Load Graph view) . Note that the options available from this menu will vary depending on the graph/view.

Time Region

A gray rectangular outline indicates the time region that is currently displayed by the Trace View. As the Trace View zooms in and out, this rectangle updates dynamically to mark the current region.


NOTE: You can combine this view with other horizontal views by choosing Views > Add > (graph type).

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